What are the upcoming changes to DBS requirements?


From 1st December 2024, there will be some important changes to our DBS requirements for all tutors on our platform.

What are the changes?

From 1st December 2024, all tutors on our platform must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Hold an Enhanced DBS certificate issued within the last two years.

  • Be registered with the DBS Update Service.

Enhanced DBS checks will be considered valid for two years from their issue date. After this period, you’ll need to obtain a new Enhanced DBS check to continue tutoring with us, unless you’re subscribed to the Update Service.

Already have a recent DBS Check and/or are on the Update Service?

  • If your enhanced DBS certificate was issued in the last 2 years and is already uploaded and verified on your profile, no further action is needed.

  • If you have one but it isn’t uploaded, please do so before the deadline for verification.

  • If you are on the DBS Update Service but haven't told us, please log into your tutor account and tick the below box so we can check and verify this for you.

Need a new enhanced DBS Check?

  • If your DBS certificate is over 2 years old or you don’t have one, you’ll need to apply for a new enhanced DBS check. The process usually takes around 10 working days, though it may take longer.

You can find guidance on how to apply through our platform here.

You can find further details about the current cost here.

Verification Process:

Once you receive your enhanced DBS certificate, please upload a picture of it in your dashboard and fill out the necessary details. After we verify it, your profile will populate its DBS badge.

What is the DBS Update Service?

For a subscription of currently £13 per year, the DBS Update Service allows you to keep your DBS certificate up to date. You must register for the Update Service within 30 days of your DBS certificate being issued. Click here to find out more.

If you need further assistance with the DBS application process, please don't hesitate to contact our team. We are here to support you every step of the way.