Is there anything I shouldn’t mention in my profile or in messages?


Here are our guidelines of what you cannot include in your tutor profile or say while corresponding with clients:

Mentioning other tuition platforms

You cannot mention any other tuition platforms on your profile. This includes any mentions of previous experience on specific platforms. Please avoid naming other platforms entirely.

Suggesting lessons take place off our platform

Under no circumstances should you advertise that you offer lessons on other platforms, or suggest to a student to have a lesson on another platform. All lessons must take place through our platform for safeguarding purposes, which is outlined in our Terms and Conditions.

Free trial lessons or guarantees

We do not currently offer any free trial lessons or guarantees for students. We currently only allow students (or their billpayers) to pay your full rate for a lesson. We believe all of our tutors should be fairly compensated for their time. You wouldn’t expect any other service for free, so we don’t think our tutors should have to give their expertise for free either.

Unverified reviews

In your profile, please only mention reviews that have taken place on our platform (i.e., the ones you can see at the bottom of your profile). You cannot mention any other reviews you may have received on other platforms whilst tutoring as we are unable to verify these.

Subjects you aren’t listed as tutoring

You cannot advertise to teach subjects you aren’t listed as tutoring. During the interview stages of the application process, our team decides on each subject, level, and exam board we think you’d be great at tutoring. Therefore, all the subjects you can teach on our platform should already be listed on your profile. If you’d like to request new subjects, you can find out how here.

Group lessons

PMT Education does not currently offer group lessons to students. All tuition must take place on a one-to-one basis, therefore you cannot offer this to clients

Unprofessional photographs

The photograph you use for your profile picture should be professional and suitable for our platform. Please do not include any photographs of you which are unprofessional – potential clients probably don’t want to see you on a night out, for example!