Do you have a Student Code of Conduct?


Yes we do:

  1. Show respect for your tutor’s cultural background, dignity and values.

  2. Always use respectful language when addressing your tutor.

  3. Dress appropriately (e.g. avoid wearing revealing clothing or any clothing with inappropriate slogans).

  4. Don’t ask your tutor to complete coursework or homework for you.

  5. Don’t share any personal information or contact details with your tutor or social media handles. Likewise, don’t send your tutor ‘follow’ or ‘friend’ requests.

  6. Attend all tutoring sessions punctually, properly equipped and ready to learn.

  7. Keep your phone on silent and out of sight.

  8. Don’t record video, audio or take screenshots of any online tutoring sessions.

  9. If having online tutoring, don’t expose any personal information in your camera background

  10. If having online tutoring, keep your microphone and camera on for the duration of the session (online set-up permitting).