I've been charged twice for a lesson


There are only two scenarios where we take payment:

  • Your scheduled lesson has begun

  • You have cancelled or rescheduled within 48 hours of a lesson's start time and your tutor has decided to charge you

If you are seeing multiple transactions on your statement and you're not sure why, this is probably our card authorisation check.

Why do you need to carry out a card authorisation check?
To guarantee payment to our tutors, we carry out a card authentication check at least 72 hours before the lesson's start time to ensure you have enough funds in your card to cover your lesson. Depending on your bank, this authorisation may look like you have been charged for the lesson.

Why have two card authorisations triggered for me?
If you make any short-notice changes to your booking, a second card authorisation may trigger. This depends on how close to the lesson start time you altered your booking, and when any rescheduled lessons are meant to take place.

Below is a timeline of our card authorisation check. It explains what happens when you book a lesson at different times, and what happens if you cancel or reschedule within certain time periods.

Will I get my money back?
If you have cancelled or rescheduled a lesson with more than 48 hours notice, or your tutor has cancelled or rescheduled the lesson, you won't ever be charged. Any money which has been held by our authorisation will be automatically released.

If you have cancelled or rescheduled a lesson with less than 48 hours' notice, it's at the tutors' discretion whether they charge.

Our card authorisation usually takes a few days to drop from your statement once it's been cancelled, but it depends on your bank.