How do bookings work for tutors?


Students and parents/guardians find our tutors by browsing through our Find a Tutor page, where search results can be filtered by factors such as subjects taught, price,  DBS check status and much more.

If a potential student or their billpayer likes the sound of you, they can request a lesson via your profile, on a particular date and time according to your availability. From there you’ll get a notification on your dashboard (and an email), prompting you to accept, decline, or suggest an alternative date and time for that lesson instead.

If you click Confirm, the lesson will be booked, and it will move into the Upcoming tab in your Bookings

If you click Reject, you can suggest a different date and time, or decline the lesson entirely. If you suggest an alternative date and time, your client will also have the option to accept or decline this suggestion.

You can’t book lessons on behalf of clients, but you can send lesson suggestions. You can find out how here.