Can tutors book lessons for students?


Our tutors can’t book lessons on behalf of a client, but you can suggest booking slots. The client can then book using your suggestions. 

To suggest a booking slot as a tutor, go to your chat with your client, and click Suggest a lesson slot.

This will open the lesson suggestions page. Choose the subject, level and exam board you’re suggesting a lesson for from the relevant drop down menus. 

You can browse through future weeks using the forwards and backwards arrows at the top of your calendar.

You can then suggest a lesson slot based on your availability. Just click a slot to select the lesson start time, and choose either a 60 minute, 90 minute, or 120 minute lesson duration. You can suggest multiple lessons; just click on another slot and repeat the process. 

If you want to delete or edit a slot, just click the slot and it will delete it from your suggestions. You can also delete a slot using the red X on the right hand panel. 

You can browse all of the suggestions you’ve made in the right hand Suggestion summary panel. Then, send your suggestions by clicking the Send recommendations button.

Your booking suggestions will be sent to your client, where they can create a booking request with your suggestions autofilled. Once your client submits their booking request, you can accept, decline, or suggest an alternative time for each individual lesson slot.

To your client, the message will come with a button, which you can see below. To find out more about how the process works for clients, please visit our FAQ for parents and students.