What happens if I’m having technical issues during a lesson?


Even with top-notch technology and the best intentions, technical blunders can still happen during lessons – and we’re very understanding of that. 

We ask all of our tutors to minimise technology failures by using the best possible equipment they have access to, but if you’re still having issues with your devices, you can consult our microphone and webcam FAQ to troubleshoot.

If you’re having major technical issues which are impeding the lesson entirely, ring us on our contact number straight away and we’ll work to diagnose the issue with you. 

Alternatively, if you can’t find a fix, you may have to rearrange your lesson. If the failure is at your end though, then it’s up to you to reimburse your student for the lost lesson time – whether that means making up the lost time at the end, or rearranging the lesson altogether. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance with rearranging lessons.