How do you make sure I’m paid for a lesson?


Here at PMT Education, we take pride in making sure our tutors are always paid for their time. 

We carry out a card authorisation check on the billpayer’s card at least 72 hours before the lesson is due to begin. If our card authorisation check fails, the lesson will be cancelled with 48 hours notice so you’re not at risk of taking a lesson with someone who can’t pay. 

If a billpayer books a lesson within 48 hours without the means to pay,  our check fails immediately and the lesson will be automatically cancelled. This is to make sure you never have to waste time preparing for a lesson that we can’t guarantee payment for. 

As tutors ourselves, we know that a lot of preparation can go into a lesson, and if a client cancels short-notice this time is lost. That’s why you’re also protected under our cancellation policy. If your lesson is cancelled within 48 hours of the lesson start time, you can choose to charge either 50% or 100% of the lesson fee.