What's the difference between a lesson suggestion and a booking request?


We understand that it can be quicker to initiate the booking process yourself as some clients are not familiar with the platform. This is why we introduced lesson suggestions.

Lesson suggestions send a message to the client outlining the lessons they can book onto. When the client clicks on this message, the booking form is autofilled so they can quickly book onto the time/dates you suggested, rather than selecting the slots themselves.

You can find out how to suggest lessons here.

What's the difference between a lesson suggestion and a booking request?

It's important to understand the difference between lesson suggestions and booking requests.

Booking requests are part of our booking system, and so they appear in the Pending tab of bookings. Booking requests are always client-initiated, meaning tutors cannot send booking requests, they can only respond to booking requests. When clients request a session, it temporarily reserves that slot so nobody else can request it.

To address the issue of tutors not being able to initiate booking requests, we created lesson suggestions. Lesson suggestions are essentially interactive messages. They will not show up in pending bookings, whereas booking requests do.

This means clients can only access lesson suggestions via Messages, not through Bookings. It also means when you send a lesson request, you will still appear as available during the time you suggested.

How do I keep track of whether a lesson is booked?

A lesson is only officially booked when both parties agree to the booking. This means the client needs to send a booking request, and the tutor needs to accept that booking request. You can always keep track of the status of a booking in the Bookings tab.

All confirmed bookings will be in the 'upcoming tab', whereas bookings that aren't yet confirmed are in 'pending'. Unfortunately, lesson suggestions are not currently visible in bookings.