My student isn’t using their microphone or webcam, is this important?


Students ideally should use their microphone to communicate with their tutor, and we mention that when they sign up to our platform. However, some students opt not to use a webcam, this is usually because of:

  • Tech reasons: Either their webcam isn’t working, or they don’t have one. If it’s a technical issue, you can direct them to this FAQ to help them get it sorted.

  • Personal reasons: Sometimes students simply don’t want to appear on camera. They might be having a bad hair day, or maybe they struggle with anxiety. Whatever the reason, we don’t question it and you shouldn’t either – it’s more important to us that our students feel comfortable during lessons. In these scenarios, it’s often the case that the student becomes more confident showing their face as lessons progress.

If your student ultimately decides not to use their webcam, then it’s no big deal. The most important thing is to make sure your camera is always on. This will really help to keep your student engaged during the lesson.

If for whatever reason communication becomes an unfixable issue, and you’re finding it difficult to tutor, you’re under no obligation to carry on tutoring that particular student.