Different chat types and guidance on messaging
How quickly should I reply to messages?
Ideally you should get back to clients as quickly as possible. There’s every possibility an enquiring parent could have contacted multiple tutors at o...
Do I have to reply to all messages?
We do ask that you respond to every message you receive promptly and professionally. It’s just good manners. What’s more, your initial/first message r...
What’s the difference between the group chat with the parent and student, and just the billpayer chat?
We’ve created two ways for our tutors to communicate with clients out of lesson time: a group chat and a billpayer chat. The group chat includes the...
Can I contact clients (billpayers/students) off the platform?
We ask all of our PMT Education tutors to only contact clients on our trusted platform. This is to keep both you and the clients safe. It is against o...