Profile and Bookings
How bookings work, getting more bookings and your tutor profile
Managing bookings
How do bookings work for tutors?
Students and parents/guardians find our tutors by browsing through our Find a Tutor page, where search results can be filtered by factors such as su...
How can I get more bookings?
There are lots of factors that affect how frequently a tutor receives bookings. If you want to get more bookings, there are a few things you can try: ...
What's the difference between a lesson suggestion and a booking request?
We understand that it can be quicker to initiate the booking process yourself as some clients are not familiar with the platform. This is why we intro...
What are Opportunities?
Opportunities are requests made by clients who are searching for a great tutor like you. If you’re looking for more tutees, you can browse through al...
Can tutors book lessons for students?
Our tutors can’t book lessons on behalf of a client, but you can suggest booking slots. The client can then book using your suggestions. To suggest a...
Can my students book weekly lessons with me?
Yes, they can! It’s very easy for clients to book a recurring lesson. Please refer to our billpayer FAQ for the full details on how the process work...
I can’t do the date/time a client has requested, what do I do?
If you can’t make the time or date that your client has requested, you have two options. You can either suggest an alternative date, or you can declin...
Can I bring my private students on to the platform?
Yes, you can! We're helping you simplify your tutoring set up by bringing your private students onto our platform. This means you can centralise your ...
How do I refund a lesson?
If you or your student can no longer attend an upcoming lesson, we recommend cancelling or rescheduling lessons ahead of time. However, we understan...
Can I provide UCAS References and Predicted Grades for my student?
Can private tutors provide UCAS references and predicted grades for private candidates? Yes, but only in specific circumstances. Providing UCAS refere...
Your profile
What information should I include in my profile?
Filling out your tutor profile is part of our application process, so the information you include should give us a better idea of you as a professiona...
What can I use as a profile picture?
All tutors must have a professional-looking headshot as their profile picture. Please ensure your photo meets the following criteria: You should be fr...
Can I change the subjects/qualifications I tutor?
You can request to change the subjects and qualifications you tutor by going to the Subjects you tutor section in your profile: If you add any new s...
How are search results ranked? What affects my ranking?
The PMT Education cyber wizards have equipped our database with a unique algorithm, which carefully calculates a variety of factors to give each of ou...
Can I offer free trials or taster sessions?
PMT Education do not allow free trials or taster sessions to take place on the platform. We strongly believe our tutors should be fairly paid for the...
Is there anything I shouldn’t mention in my profile or in messages?
Here are our guidelines of what you cannot include in your tutor profile or say while corresponding with clients: You cannot mention any other tuition...